Revolutionising cricket grounds: innovations in pitch and field design

February 05th, 2024

Discover how cutting-edge technology and design are transforming cricket grounds across Australia. Explore innovations in pitch quality and more.

How to install synthetic grass on a sport Field of Play?

November 03rd, 2022

There are traditionally two methods when laying synthetic grass on a sports field: Tape and glue seams or sewn seams.

Which synthetic turf fibre fits best for which sport?

September 15th, 2022

In this new synthetic turf web series episode, our Synthetic Grass Specialist highlights which synthetic turf fibre fits best for which sports.

What are the effects of flood waters on synthetic turf Fields of Play?

June 27th, 2022

Synthetic grass fields can be affected by floods. Knowing this, we can design Fields of Play surface to mitigate or minimize the damage floods will cause.

What are the different types of infill for synthetic turf?

February 10th, 2022

In this episode of our synthetic turf web series, we explain the importance of choosing the suitable infill for a playable surface.

What is synthetic grass made of?

January 17th, 2022

In this blog post, our synthetic turf specialist Andrew Morrow demystify five of the most popular synthetic fibres available now on the market.

Dawn of 4th Generation synthetic turf systems in Australia

December 07th, 2021

Synthetic grass manufacturers have been undertaking R&D and subsequently delivering on this goal for the past couple of years.

What is synthetic grass, and where does it come from?

December 05th, 2021

In this blog post, SPORTENG goes back in time to share some lights on the evolution of synthetic turf, to better understand its use and applications today.

How to maintain synthetic turf sports fields during winter?

July 26th, 2021

Uncover ways of maintaining your synthetic turf sports field during winter, and how they fit in your overall Field of Play's maintenance plan.

What is hybrid grass?

July 01st, 2021

A hybrid grass surface consists of synthetic fibres that extend above the growing medium and combine with the natural turf leaves and stems. Learn more.

Synthetic grass is a solution to urban densification

March 16th, 2021

Urban densification negatively impacts our transport networks and places some of our existing Fields of Play under unsustainable stress and strain.

5 practices to maintain your synthetic turf Field of Play performance

February 16th, 2021

In this blog post, we highlight the best practices to keep your synthetic turf Field of Play performing at its best.

What are the different types of cricket enclosures?

November 23rd, 2020

Many different practice enclosures are available to councils and cricket clubs. Learn which one is the most adapted to your situation!

How to design a pavement for a difficult subgrade?

May 01st, 2020

Learn how SPORTENG developed a bespoke pavement design to address the soil conditions of the Perry Park in Brisbane.

Natural vs synthetic turf: choose the best option for your project

February 21st, 2020

Natural vs synthetic turf: SPORTENG helps you decide which option is best for your project.

Why use rubber infill for synthetic sports fields?

February 21st, 2020

Different rubber infill solutions exit for artificial/synthetic turf. SPORTENG helps you understand the differences and make the best choice. Learn more.