Navigating sports field design with SPORTENG at Cricket Central NSW

Nov 29|NewsBy Solene Cathalan

We're thrilled to share the highlights of an incredible event that unfolded on the 14th of November at Cricket Central NSW. This special occasion was designed to illuminate the intricacies of natural turf sports field design, all while providing a unique behind-the-scenes glimpse into the Cricket Central NSW facility.
With enthusiastic attendees from councils, educational institutions, architects, consultants, and contractors, the event was a resounding success.

SPORTENG team welcoming attendees to NSW Cricket Central's brand new amphitheatre

SPORTENG team welcoming attendees to NSW Cricket Central's brand new amphitheatre

A personalised journey through the world of sports field design

To ensure an immersive and personalised experience for each participant, the morning was structured around five distinct workshops held at various locations across the facility. The groups were strategically divided to facilitate smooth rotations between workshops, allowing attendees to glean insights from every facet of sports field design.
The feedback was heartening, with one participant expressing gratitude, "I really appreciated the configuration in small groups that are allocated for fast rotation through the different workshops". Another participant highlighted the benefits, saying, "Breaking off into pre-determined groups to talk about each aspect separately was great! You get to meet different people and also focus on a particular topic."

Attendees being divided into groups

Attendees being divided into groups.

Our journey through workshops

Now, let's delve into a brief summary of each workshop:
Our CEO Jarrod Hill stepped in and hosted a workshop on the planning and design for the facility's Field of Play elements, guiding participants through the meticulous planning and overall design for the main oval and practice wickets. Hill emphasised the importance of understanding the expected level of use and presentation to develop a profile aligned with client expectations. He highlighted the significance of specifying the correct growing medium to support healthy turf growth year-round, quoting, "Ensuring it performs all year round, particularly during winter." 
The workshop delved into the benefits of hybrid turf and its place among different playing surface options. Hill stressed the need to discuss maintenance requirements early in the design phase, stating, "Comprehensive planning includes discussing maintenance needs from the outset."

SPORTENG CEO Jarrod Hill's workshop on the planning and design for the facility's Field of Play elements

SPORTENG CEO Jarrod Hill's workshop on the planning and design for the facility's Field of Play elements.

Our Senior Irrigation Designer, Damian Cullen, discussed the importance of carefully planning the irrigation water supply prior to any construction commencing. 
He stressed the importance of calculating the Peak Irrigation Requirement (PIR), which is the calculation of the highest water demand for the irrigation system. It takes into consideration the size of the area (m²), the amount of water to be applied (millimetres) and the 'water window' or time allowance in which to apply the water (hours). 
By calculating the PIR and taking the necessary steps to meet the water demand on-site, it will provide water security to ensure even during the hottest of days, the irrigation system can re-apply the required amount of water for strong, healthy and ongoing turf health.

Senior Irrigation Designer Damian Cullen's workshop about the importance of irrigation planning prior to construction.

Senior Irrigation Designer Damian Cullen's workshop about the importance of irrigation planning prior to construction.

Bryce Collins, one of our Civil Engineers, shared some key insights into design challenges at Cricket Central NSW. He tackled issues like dealing with contaminated soils and smartly designing around service easements. Bryce stressed the importance of teamwork, saying, "Design success comes from working together with environmental engineers and service providers."
He also discussed cricket net design, keeping it straightforward: "Design is about finding elegant solutions to complex problems." Here, the nets use crossfall for drainage and have lines between wickets for both function and style. SPORTENG's design lets the netting pull across, forming tunnels at each wicket block, complete with roofs and walls. 
Bryce's presentation not only uncovered civil engineering challenges but also highlighted the power of smart and creative design. His practical approach inspires fellow engineers and emphasizes the impact of thoughtful solutions in the field.

Civil Engineer Bryce Collins sharing some key insights into design challenges at Cricket Central NSW.

Civil Engineer Bryce Collins sharing some key insights into design challenges at Cricket Central NSW.

Our Field of Play Consultant, Jonathan Douglas, gave us a brief overview of the dynamic world of sports field design. He discussed the intricacies of executing SPORTENG's field of play design, covering everything from the cricket wicket table to the outfield and practice area. "It's about bringing a vision to life," Jonathan emphasized, detailing the materials, volumes, and construction process. He shared real-time problem-solving during on-site construction challenges, noting, "Construction is about overcoming hurdles."
In his role at SPORTENG, Jonathan supports project managers, clients, and contractors throughout the project lifecycle, showcasing expertise and passion for excellence in sports field construction. "It's about exceeding specifications," he explained. The audience left inspired, gaining insight into the meticulous craftsmanship and dedication driving SPORTENG projects.

Field of Play Consultant Jonathan Douglas giving a brief overview of the dynamic world of sports field design.

Field of Play Consultant Jonathan Douglas giving a brief overview of the dynamic world of sports field design.

Lucas Skelton, our Field of Play Team Leader, shed light on how the decisions in the design phase impact the operational and maintenance stages of the project. Emphasizing the significance of starting a project with the end in mind, the workshop delved into the comprehensive vision behind Cricket Central – to meet and exceed elite ICC standards. This vision considered both immediate hosting needs and long-term performance and maintenance implications, showcasing a commitment to resilience against diverse climatic conditions.
Lucas’ workshop highlighted the crucial elements of Cricket Central's design, including a robust maintenance plan for the playing surface's longevity. Specific examples, such as the perched water table profile designed to drain at more than 150mm/hr, underscored the importance of a thoughtful design. The workshop elucidated the intricate relationship between profile components and playing conditions, emphasizing Cricket Central's commitment to both immediate and long-term sustainability for the safety and enjoyment of the game.
Furthermore, the workshop addressed the ecosystem-centric design approach, emphasizing the foresight needed to meet future standards. This approach ensures that Cricket Central's field of play can be maintained to provide the required playing surface for the next 20-30 years, aligning with the vision for sustained excellence in cricket. 

Field of Play Team Leader Lucas Skelton shed light on how the decisions in the design phase impact the operational and maintenance stages of the project.

Field of Play Team Leader Lucas Skelton shed light on how the decisions in the design phase impact the operational and maintenance stages of the project.


What’s next? 

The success of the event speaks for itself, with 75% of attendees expressing that they "absolutely loved" the experience. Furthermore, 62% of participants reported gaining a better understanding of sports field design and expressed that they learned a lot about SPORTENG's company and services.
As we reflect on this triumph, we're already gearing up for the next edition in early 2024. Stay tuned for more exciting developments and opportunities to explore the world of sports field design with SPORTENG!

Group of people posing in front of sport building

Trust the SPORTENG Team for your next sports field project! 

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