SPORTENG have been approved as LGAT Procurement Supplier

Feb 03|NewsBy Solene Cathalan

We are pleased to advise that SPORTENG have been approved as a LGAT Procurement Supplier!

A strong network for the protection of tasmanian councils' interest

The Local Government Association of Tasmania, known as LGAT, aims to protect the rights and interests of councils. It develops strong relationships with key stakeholders (such as State and Federal Governments) to take actions on the issues that matters to Tasmanian councils.
These engagements are diverse and include waste management, energy solutions, planning, 21st Century councils, infrastructure and assets management, among others.
Source: LGAT Advocacy and Policy 

Why collaborating with an approved LGAT Procurement Supplier could be beneficial for you?

Choosing to work with an approved LGAT Procurement Supplier such as SPORTENG means that your stakeholders have been approved by the Local Government Association In Tasmania to deliver goods/services to Tasmanian councils under the Open Spaces, Parks, Play, Sport and Recreation contract.
Buying through this arrangement brings significant benefits, for both councils and suppliers:

  • Save time by enjoying fast and easy access to a range of established contracts for goods and services, designed specifically to meet the needs of councils;
  • Save money by heavily reducing council administration and tendering costs, as well as accessing expert support and assistance
  • Reduce risk by accessing a fair and transparent process developed by procurement specialists.

For more information on the Local Government Association of Tasmania, visit LGAT now.

And for further information or questions/remarks on SPORTENG’s new accreditation, contact us now.


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