SPORTENG and Glen Iris Cricket Club: a winning community partnership

Feb 20|NewsBy Lucas Skelton

At SPORTENG, we believe in more than just playing the game of planning, designing and quality-assuring the development of sports fields; we're committed to creating a positive impact in the communities we serve. That's why we are thrilled to announce our recent sponsorship of the Glen Iris Cricket Club, a move that aligns perfectly with our values and commitment to supporting local sports. This sponsorship has been brought forth by our Fields of Play Team Leader and Glen Iris club member Lucas Skelton. Lucas has been an integral part of the Club, both on and off the field, having recently celebrated his 150th cricket game with the club. Lucas has been the club’s coach and a professional player for the past 8 seasons while also coaching his son in the juniors, and his wife, Michelle, is the club's merchandise coordinator.

Why Glen Iris Cricket Club?

Glen Iris Cricket Club has long been a hub for cricket enthusiasts of all ages, fostering a sense of community and sportsmanship that resonates with our core values at SPORTENG. We recognise the importance of grassroots sports in building strong communities, and the Glen Iris Cricket Club provides an ideal platform for nurturing young talent and fostering a love for the game.

SE_MK_IMG_0001_BpGlenIrisSponsor Lucas and his father Garry play together in Veterans

Investing in the future: supporting Junior and Senior sides

Our sponsorship aims to contribute to the continued success of the Glen Iris Cricket Club by channelling funds towards the upkeep of training equipment. With 15 junior sides, 6 senior sides, 3 veterans sides and 9 senior sides, the club plays a crucial role in shaping the future of cricket in the local community. By supporting their training needs, we hope to enhance the overall experience for players and contribute to the development of skills that go beyond the cricket pitch.

SE_MK_IMG_0002_BpGlenIrisSponsorThe Skelton boys on their way home from the game

SPORTENG Codes: playing better, together

At SPORTENG, we live by our codes: having fun together, finding solutions, not problems, and challenging the status quo. These principles extend beyond the boardroom and into our community initiatives. By sponsoring the Glen Iris Cricket Club, we are not just supporting a team; we are promoting the spirit of togetherness, resilience, and a commitment to excellence.


Will Skelton, enrolled in U10

Community first: doing better together

SPORTENG is driven by a passion for making a positive impact in the communities we serve. Supporting local clubs like the Glen Iris Cricket Club is not just a sponsorship for us; it's a commitment to doing better for the community. Through initiatives like this, we aim to strengthen the bond between individuals, families, and local businesses, creating a thriving ecosystem that goes beyond the boundaries of the cricket field.

In conclusion, our sponsorship of the Glen Iris Cricket Club is more than just a partnership; it's a celebration of community, sportsmanship, and the pursuit of excellence. We look forward to witnessing the club's continued success and are proud to be a part of their journey. At SPORTENG, we believe that by playing better, together, we can create a legacy that extends far beyond the boundaries of the cricket pitch.


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